
多用途底霜,質感柔滑,可同時降紅、柔化毛孔、撫平細紋。輕盈質地不會對妝容造成負擔。無油、防水配方,同時能帶來淨透、有光澤的膚色,讓妝容更清爽,並且長時間不脫妝。,評價超好的妝前乳接近乳液的質地非常好推,讓底妝更服貼StandardSize30ml貨況請查看標題&選項現貨2天內出貨預購商品2-4週出貨預購商品如遇到缺貨/折扣 ...,Hourglass新款妝前乳❤️❤️2023年度HourglassVanishAirbrushprimer.$1,200.新北市新莊區.,Elev...



️預購Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer 妝前乳30ml

評價超好的妝前乳接近乳液的質地非常好推,讓底妝更服貼 Standard Size 30ml 貨況請查看標題&選項 現貨2天內出貨 預購商品2-4週出貨預購商品如遇到缺貨/折扣 ...

hourglass妝前乳- 優惠推薦

Hourglass新款妝前乳❤️❤️2023年度Hourglass Vanish Airbrush primer. $1,200. 新北市新莊區.

Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer - Travel Size

Elevate your foundation to unprecedented performance with this state-of-the-art primer that extends the wear of foundation for a perfect complexion that ...

Veil™ Mineral Primer

With a texture unlike any other, this primer not only creates a smooth, even canvas for makeup, but also conceals redness, minimizes the appearance of pores, ...


Shop Hourglass makeup and face primer for all skin types. Makeup primer prepares your face for flawless makeup application & extends the durability of your ...

Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer

What it is: A state-of-the-art primer that extends the wear of foundation for a perfect complexion—elevate your foundation to unprecedented performance.

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具
